Sunday School

Sunday School is held on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM. We offer excellent classes for all ages where you and your family can feel safe,

can belong, and grow in Christ. Our adult classes usually meet outside of class frequently for fun and fellowship.


Nursey 1: Becky Worrell

Nursery 2: Charlotte Farmer & DeeDee Scott

4-5 Year Olds: Michael & Donna Gully

1st-2nd Grade: Joyce Clemmer

3rd-4th Grade: Suzette Pike

5th-6th Grade: Cindy Lambert

Youth (7th-12th Grade): Bryan Neece

Young Adults-49 Years Old: Bro. Jason Caldwell

Bible Explorers: Bobby Worrell

Willing Workers: Jimmy Towry

Ladies I: Rovena Wade

Ladies II: Judy Howard

    Discipleship Training

    Director: Michael Gulley
    Teacher: Jimmy Towry


    AWANA is an excellent program where children learn high quality Bible lessons with scripture memorization so that they will hide God's word in their hearts. It's full of fun and engagement.

    Sunday Nights @ 5:00 pm (during the regular school calendar).

    Meet Our Teachers:

    Puggles: Jennifer George & Kristen Schrimsher

    Cubbies: Holly Heath & Jenny Hopson

    Sparks: Anna Sumners & Bri Sumners

    Truth & Training: Tyler & Samantha Spray

    Subs: Jennifer Atkins, Tommy Hopson, & Nickie Tucker